Full Steam Ahead with IT Director Out of Office

Regional wholesaler sought a trustworthy back-up IT Director with a specialized skillset to cover for travel absences. The already strapped in-house IT team continually suffered stalls and setbacks with upkeep and forward motion.

Bridge worked in collaboration with the client to develop the role description of specific skillsets and exact resources required to support Jack of all Trades IT Director.

Bridge secured a System Administrator with a difficult and blended skillset who was able to cover network upgrades, maintenance, and overall IT health.

Additional Revenue: Bridge consultant helped increase the client’s market presence and speed to market. Anticipated gross revenue increase of 18 percent in year one and up to 25 percent in year two.
Additional Capacity: Allowing the IT Director to complete travel with confidence, assisted with the early opening of new out-of-state distribution center.
Placements: 1
Industry: Wholesale
Skillsets: System Administrator
Technology: IT maintenance, Network upgrades, IT support

Hiring the best is your most important task.
~ Steve Jobs

Contractors fill skill gaps on critical projects or can cover while you search for full-time placement.
